
We are the Kuhl's. Living a life less ordinary is what stirs us. Somewhere (thankfully) we got off course and it is the best thing we have ever done for ourselves and our family. Creatively carving out our own path, writing a story that engages our children and inspires them to come along.


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Renegade Families

What is Renegade Families

By on February 27, 2019


We had always dreamed of the nomadic lifestyle, however laid that dream to rest once we had children. It was a life changing conversation late one night over wine with a close friend that shifted something significant for us. We were talking dreams and we shared ours with the disclaimer of 3 children…he came back with a very simple “why not?”

A year later we had moved out of our comfortable 7 bedroom home and either sold or stored all our “stuff” and stepped into this nomadic lifestyle. When reflecting back over the past few years, the adventure has been amazing and seeing it along side our children has been invaluable. However, the long term impact that this will have on our relationships and our children, that is what we are going after! We believe we are raising adaptable, compassionate and global human beings that believe anything is possible. That will move around this world with ease, creating opportunity wherever they go. Ones that will continually ask the “why not?”

Truck and trailer parked on a beach at sunset

As we were pulling away from our home and everything we knew at the start of 2016 the song Renegades played on the radio and moved me to tears. I started digging into what a renegade was and by definition it is someone who rebels against or has moved away from conventional ways. We are self proclaimed renegades… A renegade family. We don’t own a brick and mortar home or have regular 9-5 jobs. Our “living arrangements” change with the seasons.

family of 5 living in a van

We have been hash tagging our images on social media with #renegadefamilies over the past few years and we want to meet more renegade families. While we love and totally value families getting out and adventuring/traveling we are looking specifically for families that have left a traditional lifestyle and are carving out their own path… Writing their own stories. Renegade Families is not specific to Full Time Travel. We are open to all types of alternative lifestyles. Off grid living, farmsteading, tiny house living, home on wheels travel, full time world exploration with your kids? If you or someone you know fits this profile, please get in touch with us…..we want to hear from you

: an individual that rejects conventional behavior

Where are the dreamers..the shakers and the makers. Where are those that reject status quo to go after their dreams. Where are the RENEGADES???
We have had a long time fascination with not playing by the rules. Always questioning who “they” are when we hear “they say” and why “they” make the rules. Who wrote the script for this lifestyle we have all ascribed to…whose play book is this.

We have a strong belief in writing our own story…one that engages our children to come along. One that allows us to live fully..pursuing our dreams.
We know for a fact that there are many families out there that share these same values and we want to hear from you!!!
Did you sell it all?
Did you place renters in your home for an undefined period of time?
Did you quit a job after 25 years?
Did you pull your kids from mainstream education?
Did you create an alternative way of living…off grid, farmsteading, tinyhouse living, home on wheels travel, full time world exploration with your kids?
Did one or more family members call you crazy at any given time?
If you answers yes to any of the above questions we want to know about it.

After 2 years of mulling, talking, dreaming, planning….We are launching Renegade Families..a collection of stories of families that are living alternatively…families that are rejecting the conventional lifestyle and going after their dreams with fervor, regardless of status quo.

Email us at and tell us a bit about your Renegade Family!